This psychological thriller by Sandra Ireland is a pretty intense read. It’s hard to put down – the pace moves quickly and you’ll find yourself needing to know where the story is going. There’s also a content warning that I’ll add to the end of this review – you can decide if you want to read that or not.
Ellie Rook is a young woman currently on a gap year from University. Her family is back in Scotland, and one day she gets a phone call: her mother is missing, presumed drowned, and Ellie has to go home.
If you’ve ever left your home in a permanent way, you’ll know that when you return, things aren’t always the same. Ellie finds that her physical place in her family still exists, but the psychological family dynamic has changed and she’s forced to view her family from the perspective of an outsider. Secrets bubble to the surface and Ellie is left to deal with them amongst the tragedy of losing her mother.
There’s also the aspect of the real-life legend of Finella – Ellie’s namesake. Finella is a 10th century Scottish noblewoman, and the area around Ellie’s home has spots named for Finella – notably, the Den of Finella, which plays a role in this story. Sandra Ireland weaves the real-life tale of Finella throughtout the fictional Ellie’s reckoning of her family. The parallels are evident as you untangle Ellie’s story. It’s really expertly written.
As for the content warning – we’re looking at domestic violence and control. Parts of the story are difficult to get through, particularly if you are a survivor or have been adjacent to domestic violence. But the ending is worth the journey in this case –
Get this book! Buy The Unmaking of Ellie Rook for Kindle!
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